PU4010 . 2011

Public Competition

EGP-UPBS New Facilities

Matosinhos . Portugal

EGP - University of Porto Business School


Intervention area: 16175 

Construction area: 16768 

Open area: 4517 


Landscape architecture:

4D Perspectivas, Lda



Gatengel, Lda

JCT, Lda

In a business school with international recognition, whose function is based on intellectual stiffness, in cooperation, innovation and values , and where the quality of management, the changes in business, the advanced training and research, are its primary mission, we understand that the way as the social spaces, of sociability and circulation are organized and managed, have a significant impact on learning and encouraging students and teachers.

Being the space of this school, in its whole, the diffuser element of a learning environment, we propose that the various programmatic areas are articulated through pathways that arise from the general (external) for the particular (center of the School), and of the interior of School to merge with the exterior.